According to Bill Burns, prophet, the Lord Jesus walked in the following anointings:
- Anointing to speak/preach the Word
- Anointing of walking in miracles, signs and wonders
- Anointing to Heal
- Anointing to Deliver
Anointings identified by Keith Miller and released during a recent prophetic conference include:
- Anointing to open doors/gates (Breaker anointing) Isa.45:1-3
- Seer Anointing - Ezek.44:5
- Harvest Anointing - Luke10:2
- Anointing for Signs, Wonders, and Miracles
Additionally, there's an anointing to make wealth (Deut.8:18); an anointing for Warfare (Psa.45:2-7); an anointing to Prophesy (1Sam.19:23,24); and others.
Nuggets of Gold: We wear an anointing like a mantle. The anointing indicates what the activity of the Holy Spirit is, as He releases the power to accomplish the work that He's given us to do. We all have different anointings according to the areas in which God has "approved" us.
We are to "Study to show ourselves approved to God as workmen who do not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth." (2Tim.2:15). As we do this, and after a period of testing, the Lord "approves" us in a particular area (we pass the test), which releases the anointing (the Holy Spirit and Power)!
Acts 2:22 - "Jesus.......a man approved (attested/exhibited or accredited) to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs, which God performed through Him in your midst..."
Purpose of the Anointing: To break the yoke off those who are oppressed by the evil one.
Isa.10:27 - "So it will be in that day, that his burden will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of the anointing."
Chuck Pierce: "Anointing oils can have spiritual properties as well as physical spiritual properties. However, the power of an oil is in the anointing of the one using the oil or in the one being anointed - not in the oil itself. Biblically, we find that oil mixtures have a great release. When Jesus sent out the twelve disciples to minister from city to city, they anointed with oil many who were sick (Mark 6:13). In the book of James (5:14), we find one of the requirements for healing is to anoint with oil."
Nugget of Gold: The Lord is calling us to a higher level of operation in His different anointings through the use of the corresponding oils and their essential properties.
TYPES OF OIL: (partial listing)
- Frankincense - fragrance of Jesus as Son of God/Priest
- Myrrh - dying to self; no spot or wrinkle; purification and cleansing
- Rose of Sharon - Glory; Ruling and Reigning
- Lily of the Valley - Purity of heart, which produces provision as we seek His Kingdom first
- Cedars of Lebanon - Prosperity, strength for performance; wholeness
- Spikenard - Extravagant adoraton and worship, producing resurrection power
- Pomegranate - linked with healing, success, and overcoming