Monday, August 3, 2009

What are we Calling?

Romans 4:17 - "......God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist (calls the things which do not exist as existing)."

According to Webster's Dictionary, the word "call" means the following: to command or request to come or be present; to cause to come; to summon, to invite, to attract


  • Are we constantly "calling" those things in our lives which do exist (health problems, financial lack, poor relationships, etc.), talking about them, complaining to ourselves and others (or to God), naming the areas of disappointment in our lives, etc.?
  • Do we try to deny the current reality by calling the things which exist (in this natural realm) as not existing?

If we answered "yes" to either of the above, we're not walking and talking in accordance with God's ways. In fact, we're actually attracting/drawing those very things that we don't want in our lives! His way is to call "Light!" when light does not exist in the natural realm.

Nugget of Gold: We are made in God's image. As we "call those things which do not exist in this natural realm as existing", we will begin to see circumstances change and our lives will be transformed! We'll cause those things that God has promised to actually come to us. BEGIN CALLING THEM NOW!

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