Monday, January 4, 2010

Times and Seasons in 2010

The Lord wants us to discern the signs of the times and to know what season we're in, both individually, and as part of the body of Christ. We're called to be "sons of Issachar" - men (and women) who "understand the times, with knowledge of what to do". (1 Chron.12:32)

The Lord quickened to me to look at the difference between a "time" and a "season". I found that "time" is defined as an appointed, fixed moment or hour for something to happen, begin, or end. A "season" is an indefinite period of time, or a period marked by a special or particular activity (such as football season). Thus, "time" is specific and more immediate, while a season is more general. I believe the Lord is saying that we are to know both as we begin the new year.

Though God has shown several specific times and seasons for me personally, following are some of the things I feel He has revealed for the body of Christ in 2010:

  • "A time to embrace." (Ecc.3:5): I believe the Lord will be bringing special relationships into the lives of His people and that He will knit our hearts together with them in a powerful way. The application may be in ministry, business, marriage, etc., but look for new relationships in 2010.
  • A time to come out of the wilderness and enter our inheritance: There will be a specific time that the Lord brings an end to something that we have been doing in order to begin a new work. Again, the application may be for ministry, a new job or business opportunity, etc. Whatever form it takes, we will know without a doubt that the Lord has birthed it. "Whatever is born of God overcomes the world....." (1John 5:3), and this is what He will bless and prosper in the new year.
  • Appointed times of Judgement: This year will see increased clashes between the works of darkness and the activities of the Kingdom of God. The Lord has both empowered and mandated that we "execute the judgments written" on the powers and principalities. (Psa.149:6-9)


  • Changing of the Guard/New Fathers: I believe that just as Moses died, making way for Joshua, and just as a whole generation fell in the wilderness before their children could enter the promised land (Josh.5:6,7), so is the body of Christ entering a new season of generational blessings. THIS IS NOT A MATTER OF AGE, BUT RATHER OF MATURITY! We will always have children, young men, and fathers (1John2:13,14) existing simultaneously as we occupy our inheritance. However, only the fathers will receive the Key of David, along with a new mantle and increased authority! (Isa.22:20-24)
  • Growing season: As previously stated, the Lord will greatly favor and bless those things that He has begotten. This year will see a rapid growth and acceleration, as well as provision and anointing, upon ministries, businesses, creative ideas, etc., that He birthed.
  • Expanded Boundaries: The Lord is stretching and expanding our territory in 2010. Look for opportunities to fulfill a larger function in both the church and the marketplace, along with increased responsibilities and authority. For some, this may involve a move or a chance to travel. This will get us out of our comfort zone, but know that the Lord has prepared us and has released His grace.
  • Angelic visitations: I believe we will see increased angelic visitations as the Lord sends forth His ministers to the heirs of salvation.
  • Regeneration and Renewal: The Lord revealed that He will be doing a creative work this year with regard to replacing, renewing, and restoring bodies and body parts.
  • Spiritual Gifts: As our intimacy with the Lord grows this year, He will release extraordinary giftings to His bride. There is a mandate to dedicate all gifts as "holy to the Lord" (Zech.14:20). This is a year that "a man's gift will make room for him, and bring him before great men." (Proverbs 18:16). However, we must be careful to guard these gifts and use them as the Holy Spirit leads. I feel the Lord is warning us to "not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet........" (Matt.7:6).
  • Removal of Clutter and Hindrances: The Lord Himself will remove any hindrances that have prevented us from seeing clearly the path ahead. This was brought home to me in a recent dream in which I was in a car, trying to drive from the back seat. There was a large man in the driver's seat, and I was having great difficulty seeing around him to the road ahead. We were in danger of going off the road and crashing. He finally pulled over in a mountainous area and allowed me to drive from the driver's seat.
  • In another recent dream, I was in a garage, making piles of things that were old, broken, etc., and that needed to be thrown away or hauled off. We had already cleared out the house, as new buyers were coming to take possession of the property. I heard the Lord say, "Get rid of the clutter!". This is our part to do, and we must be quick to obey. God's part is to remove the hindrances to the path He has set for us in 2010!

May God richly bless and keep you this year!

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